What controls the copying KDE4 applications to /Applications/MacPorts/KDE4 ?

Chris Jones christopher.rob.jones at cern.ch
Sun Mar 7 12:58:57 PST 2010


> Please consider pushing your patch upstream to the kdesvn developpers as this is not a macports specific issue. This way others can benefit from your work too and you don't have to maintain the patch forever.

Yes of course, I've been considering this.

I actually had to patch three things in the end. 

1. The original issue of getting the package properly installed, this was achieved with


2. An issue with getting the icon for the application properly included, fixed by adding

+KDE4_ADD_APP_ICON(kdesvnsrc "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/hi*-app-kdesvn.png")

3. A conflict between kdesvn and kdesdk, where both implement the same svn protocols.


For issue 2. I am fairly certainly is something that could be added to the package, so I'll happily take that upstream.

For 1., I confess I don't know enough cmake to really understand if this is a bug in the package, or a quirk of macports ? I just did the same as in krusader and it seemed to work... If someone could explain to me why this is a package bug, if it is, I'll happily send this upstream as well, but as it is I don't think I could explain it well enough..

3. Is not a bug, but a decision packagers have to make when they wish to allow both kdesvn and kdesdk to be installed at the same time. See


for a discussion between a packager and the author on this very issue. It is clear what the author thinks, and my patch just implements his suggestion, which is to disable the svn... protocols for kdesvn, keeping just the ksvn ones. If someone thinks there is a better way to handle this, just let me know ?

The full patches and Portfile are here


cheers Chris

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