port notes

Scott Haneda talklists at newgeo.com
Sun May 2 16:39:08 PDT 2010

>>> Similarly mysql5 prints a message explaining that if you want to run a server, you need to also install mysql5-server -- but again only if you haven't already done so. How this should be handled with notes is unclear to me.
>> Yes, that is a tough one.  I know this condition, and I have countless times, installed mysql5 to have to go back and install it as mysql5-server.  In this case, I lean on putting something about that issue where port info would explain it.  It is a tough call to be honest, it does not belong in port info, but how many people are really going to know to use port notes?
> If people don't know to use notes, we should educate people to use notes. :)

Yes, I certainly understand that, and I also have some weird idea of things being somewhat self explanatory as well.  I think the thing *I* need to understand with MacPorts, is the user base is not at all your everyday computer user, these are users who have, at some point in time, compiled their own software, and are coming to ports to avoid the nuance surrounding that.

That kicks up the implied knowledge a user has beyond that of the casual "iTunes" user.  So yes, point taken.  In some cases, it is better to educate the user.  Though I do think there are cases where things even with a technical natured user base, it can't hurt to make things just work, and just make sense.  Most of MacPorts does in fact just work, and just makes sense from an end user perspective.  Making Portfiles, that still trips me up every time :)

Thanks for taking the time to get me up to speed on the notes command.  And I see that 'notes-append' is now working, which makes my OP a solved issue.  Thanks to whoever revised that and made it work.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

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