Results of full MPAB run

Joshua Root jmr at
Sun Aug 21 16:58:27 PDT 2011

So, we finally got through all the ports without anything hanging. :-)
The full status report can be viewed at

There are a number of reasons why ports may fail on the buildslave but
work fine when you try them locally:

 * A dependency failed to build. The progress log [1] will usually
indicate if this is the case. A less obvious case is when the dependency
built fine with default variants, but fails when e.g. a 32-bit-only
dependent causes it to be built with +universal.

 * Fetching with a protocol other than http or https. The machine is
behind the same firewall as the distfiles mirror.

 * Missing dependencies. Build-time dependencies on pkgconfig and
intltool are forgotten especially often.

 * Case-sensitivity issues.

Unfortunately we don't have individual logs available via the web, and
the stdio is very large. If you can't figure out why your port is
failing, I can force a build for you and that will produce a manageable
stdio log. You can also trigger a build by committing any change to the
port, though you probably don't want to be making useless commits just
to get a build.

The plan is to let all committers force builds using the same username
and password as for trac/svn, but there's no ETA on that yet.

Anyway, enjoy!

- Josh


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