Macports 2.0.3/Lion 10.7.2 Perl

Arno Hautala arno at
Thu Nov 3 06:07:30 PDT 2011

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 22:15, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
> Why don't we use "port select" to select the perl symlink? Why is perl unique in having this perl5 port to do that job?

I was planning to ask the same question, so I'll move this to the dev
list. My assumption is that's it's a left over from before perl5 was
revamped and no one has put in the effort to make it a group and make
any other modifications to other port dependents.

Also, I'm only aware of the python group, are there others? I would
think that ruby would be a good candidate here as well. A way to pass
'*', 'all', or 'groups' to 'port select --list' would be useful too.
'*' and 'all' could print all groups and their versions, 'groups'
could just print the available groups.

arno  s  hautala    /-|   arno at

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