libsdl invalid command name "vercmp"

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Nov 29 10:53:38 PST 2011

On Nov 29, 2011, at 10:11, Jeremy Lavergne wrote:

>> I understood that when using base "port selfupdate" did not compile a new
>> base so I have been in the habit of using "svn up" and manually compiling
>> base. Should I be running selfupdate for other reasons?

Where you say "base" I assume you mean "trunk".

>> If so, when? After or before each base install or dports update?
> If you're running trunk, selfupdate won't do more than inform you there's
> no updates (since you're using a newer version) and then sync portfiles.
> You can effectively just run `port sync` if you're always going to
> manually run up/make/install of the base code.
> However, if you do rely on selfupdate to update MacPorts, it sounds like
> you have to run it twice each time there's an update: once to rebuild the
> base code and once to then sync portfiles.

All I was saying is that "vercmp" is the new name for the old "rpm_vercomp" function. This new name is available in MacPorts 2.0.3 and in trunk around the same time that 2.0.3 was released. You were clearly running a version of trunk older than that, and so you need to update. I don't care how you do it :) -- either by running selfupdate to get up to the official 2.0.3 version or by updating to a newer trunk and rebuilding manually. After you build and install the new MacPorts, however you do it, you also need to run "sudo port sync" so it rebuilds the portindex correctly with that new version of MacPorts. If you were using selfupdate, it would tell you if and when you need to do extra steps to rebuild the portindex.

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