[96969] trunk/dports/aqua/xrg/Portfile

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Thu Aug 23 07:40:25 PDT 2012

On 2012-8-24 00:32 , Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
>> There may actually be a license compliance issue here since the license
>> changed to GPL. We have to either make the source available along with
>> the binaries, or include a written offer to give the source to anyone
>> who asks for it (or pass on someone else's such written offer). Being
>> able to get the source from a third party (i.e. github) doesn't cut it.
> Good catch; shall we just drop it due to being inconsistent with its own license?

Well, I think it's either that or use a github-generated source tarball
from the appropriate commit.

(It's not inherently breaking its own license BTW; the copyright holder
doesn't need a license and can distribute binaries to whoever he likes.
As it stands, it's just impossible for anyone else to legally
redistribute those binaries...)

- Josh

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