livechecking ...

Peter Danecek Peter.Danecek at
Thu Dec 12 12:48:40 PST 2013

On Dec 12, 2013, at 21:17 , Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:

>>>> (3) For the globus ports it would be very useful to have the possibility to check a set of URLs (actually 2) extract the pattern according to the regex, concat the results and evaluate for the version in the in the usual way. I am thinking of a specification of this kind (in analogy to licences):
>>>> {{{
>>>> livecheck.type      regex
>>>> livecheck.url       { \
>>>>            }
>>>> livecheck.regex     ">${_name}-(\\d+(\\.\\d+)+)\\${extract.suffix}<"
>>>> Would something like this be TOO difficult to implement?
>>>> Where should I go and look to get some better idea?
>>> This doesn't sound like a common use case... that being said, there probably is no harm in implementing livecheck.url as a list. You'll want to look in the trunk/base/src code for the livecheck code and the trunk/dports/_resources for some other uses of livecheck.
>> I agree, that this is probably not the most common situation. But I **really** would like to have livechecking for all the single components of the Globus Toolkit in place. It would make tracking updates a lot easier easiest and that is what livecheck is for, and I do not see another way to implement livechecking here.
> livecheck was implemented with the expectation that for any piece of software, there will be a single stable url that will list the latest version number. So far this has generally worked out ok. If this software you’re talking about does not have such a page, you should ask its developers to create one; it’s in every user’s best interest to be able to go to a predictable url to find out if their software is outdated or not.

I provided more details in my last reply to Jeremy, so you might want to read that as well. 

I agree, the the choice to separate software it two separate directories is not very fortunate (at least for us here). But it is not that you cannot find out if there are recent updates. Maybe the developers would even argue, it is easier to find out about updates if they keep them separately and their scheme allows to easily find out which components (versions) a toolkit release is composed of.

But I will try to contact the developers and see what they propose.


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