Unified Python portgroup

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org
Thu Jan 10 06:25:13 PST 2013

> That is actually not a bug! You're trying to install it directly from the directory, which is equivalent to running `port -d install py-pdfrw`. Now, since you didn't provide a py24-* subport, the behaviour defined in the python portgroup for running install without specifying a version (as opposed to specifying it, like `port install py26-pdfrw`) is to specify a dependency on the 27 version of the port (py27-pdfrw).
> Since you run it from the directory I think you either don't have another port index or it is not updated, so MacPorts doesn't know where to find py27-pdfrw! 

You need:
sudo port -d install subport=py27-pdfrw

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