library not found for -lgfortran

Mark Brethen mark.brethen at
Tue Jul 8 10:35:38 PDT 2014

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 8, 2014, at 11:56 AM, Sean Farley <sean at> wrote:
> Mark Brethen writes:
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 8, 2014, at 10:47 AM, Sean Farley <sean at> wrote:
>>> Ryan Schmidt writes:
>>>>>> On Jul 8, 2014, at 7:34 AM, Mark Brethen wrote:
>>>>>>> On Jul 8, 2014, at 3:05 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>>> On Jul 7, 2014, at 11:28 PM, Mark Brethen wrote:
>>>>>>> I was told that until a patch is submitted, I can just add -L/opt/local/lib/gcc48 to the LDFLAGS environment variable. So I put this in the portfile:
>>>>>>> configure.ldflags-append "-L${prefix}/lib/gcc48"
>>>>>>> I'm thinking that "gcc48" should be replaced by a variable, but what do I use?
>>>>>> MacPorts doesn't provide a variable suitable for that. If you have gcc variants, you could append to configure.ldflags in each variant, adjusting the path as needed for each gcc version.
>>>>> I have:
>>>>> compilers.choose        fc
>>>>> compilers.setup         -dragonegg -g95 require_fortran
>>>>> if {![fortran_variant_isset]} {
>>>>>  default_variants-append +gcc48
>>>>> }
>>>>> configure.ldflags-append "-L${prefix}/lib/gcc48 -lgfortran"
>>> This kind of information can only be reliably found out at configure
>>> time. In other words, why isn't the FreeCAD project figuring this out
>>> based on the fortran compiler with a configure test?
>> They are aware that this needs to be patched. In the meantime they suggested setting it.
> This is a big deal.
>>>>> If the user has set a different version of gcc this won't work.
>>>> Oh, you don't create the compiler variants manually; you have the compilers portgroup do it for you. I'm not sure how the author of that portgroup intended for this situation to be handled. Maybe it does provide a variable for the currently–selected variant. Sean?
>>> This situation smells awfully like something else is going on here. This
>>> might mean that the linker should be FC instead of CC or CXX but that's
>>> just a thought.
>> I don't know. For now, maybe I should restrict it to gcc48 like so
>> compilers.setup -dragonegg -g95 -gcc +gcc48 require_fortran
> You probably want just +gfortran (which points to the latest one in macports)
Is the lib path the same (L${prefix}/lib/gcc48 -lgfortran")?

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