Coin + SoQt

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Jun 26 22:41:20 PDT 2014

On Jun 24, 2014, at 11:51 PM, Mark Brethen wrote:

> If I build Coin +aqua, SoQt must also build for aqua and depend on Coin +aqua. It also holds that if Coin is built with X11, SoQt must also build with X11 and depend on Coin (X11).   Would it make sense to add SoQt as a sub-port of Coin?

I don't think so.

> I'm not the maintainer so I created a separate Portfile for SoQt. How do I handle this as a separate port? 

Use the active_variants 1.1 portgroup to enforce that when the SoQt port is installed using the +aqua variant, the Coin port must also be installed using the +aqua variant.

Or, consider dropping the +aqua variant from the SoQt port and making the aqua build the only available option, since when not selecting the +aqua variant, you use the qt4-x11 port, which is ancient in the extreme, does not build, and should really be deleted.

Ideally, the Coin port would be changed to have a subport for the framework build so that it could be depended upon without using a variant.

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