OpenGL/GLX dual link error in VLC 2.2.0 git/master via MacPorts on OS X

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Sun Feb 8 04:18:17 PST 2015

On Sunday February 08 2015 12:00:20 Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:

> > Look, I'm sorry that you got a copy of a message that wasn't intended for your eyes. That's all I will say about this.
> It's a public mailing list, publicly archived, where you insult me.
> So, after accusing us to insult you, and not being able to back that up,
> you are the ones insulting us, and you think this is OK?
> Yes, I believe you owe at least an apology.

Sigh, so that was my penultimate reply. I was tempted to send it to the ML only but decided against that because I don't make it a habit to hide behind such services.

"Look, I'm sorry you had to go and find my message on the public archives of this mailing list".

Macports-dev isn't archived for the purpose of monitoring insulting remarks though, esp. not indirect remarks. You'll probably find a lot of them in those archives (as in about any ML archive), including ones that were made by project developers directed at MacPorts devs who were trying to maintain a port for their project. There's even a good chance you'll find that someone called Jeremy a liar very recently; do you think that person (and I don't mean Jeremy) owes an apology too?

The internet is not a place for and of bisounours [1] (nor a sanitised version of the Minitel Rose :P)


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