case-sensitivity issue with ${cmake_share_module_dir} and probably ${qt_cmake_module_dir}

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Mon Feb 9 08:26:36 PST 2015


I just stumbled across yet another example of something going wrong with path case in binary packages, for unclear reasons. A port I'm working on warned it couldn't find a dependency, and after a bit of searching I saw I have


which are of course 2 different directories on case-sensitive filesystems. 
The lower-case directory contains only a cmake file for Eigen3 (installed through a binary package), whereas the other contains cmake files for a number of packages I installed from source. My own MacPorts tree sits on a case-sensitive filesystem (but my bootdisk is case-insensitive).

%> fgrep odules /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
# standard place to install extra CMake modules
set cmake_share_module_dir ${prefix}/share/cmake/Modules
%> fgrep odules /opt/local/site-ports/_resources/port1.0/group/qt4-1.0.tcl
    set qt_cmake_module_dir ${prefix}/share/cmake/Modules

I understand that the buildslaves run on a case-sensitive filesystem too, so I'd expect Eigen3's .cmake file to be in a directory called share/cmake/Modules. Yet when I check:

%> tar -xvf /opt/local/var/macports/software/eigen3/eigen3-3.2.2_0.darwin_13.noarch.tbz2 |& fgrep odules
x ./opt/local/share/cmake/modules/
x ./opt/local/share/cmake/modules/FindEigen3.cmake

This one is just as annoying as the earlier reported ports that use mixed case on headerfile directories (and the headers themselves).

It there are build logs for individual packages online I'd love to take a peek, but I half suspect to see nothing odd in there.


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