dylib paths

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Tue Jun 2 10:48:13 PDT 2015

On 2015-6-3 03:42 , Sterling Smith wrote:
> I am trying to create a port for the MDSplus library.  I have beat the library’s make process into submission to make use of DESTDIR and other standard directories.  So now it creates several dylibs and executables in the proper directories, but for which otool -L yields the build directory for library dependencies instead of the installation directory.  Poking around online, it seems that  install_name_tool can rectify this situation.  Is that not something that macports does automatically?  Is there a good macports produced dylib (and associated portfile or install script) that shows a standard way of making macports compliant dylibs?

The right way to set this is by passing -install_name at link time.

- Josh

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