How to discontinue ports completely (py26 deprecation) ...

Joshua Root jmr at
Wed Aug 10 19:22:43 PDT 2016

On 2016-8-11 10:50 , Clemens Lang wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 04:47:25PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Aug 10, 2016, at 13:18, Peter Danecek <peter.danecek at> wrote:
>>> However, how would we procede in this case, when we have no explicit
>>> replacement to indicate?
>> I believe the obsolete 1.0 portgroup can accommodate this: include the
>> portgroup but don't set replaced_by.
>> However, do first consider whether this needs to be done, or whether
>> the port can instead be left as is.
> What's the benefit of replacing a port we might no longer want to keep
> with an explicit error message on upgrade? Instead, we could just
> outright delete the port, which will leave it installed on the systems
> of those users that had it installed (i.e. not break their system), but
> also no longer allow fresh installations of it.

That is how it's been done historically. Failing with an error when the 
user is just trying to 'port upgrade outdated' is pretty poor UX.

- Josh

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