Portfile for osxphotos

Nils Breunese nils at breun.nl
Fri Sep 8 13:44:48 UTC 2023

Joshua Root <jmr at macports.org> wrote:

> On 7/9/2023 16:03, Nils Breunese wrote:
>> Does someone here think MacPorts could install osxphotos without using an intermediary package manager like pipx? 
> Yes, it looks like it's a standard setuptools build system, so the python portgroup should handle it fine.

I’m also not familiar with setuptools, but this sounds promising.

> The bigger job might be adding ports for any dependencies that we don't currently have. I do see a lot of version pinning in the dependency list, which is something we don't support well, but it's also often unneeded.

Hm ok, I can’t judge that in this case.

> That said, it might be worth taking a moment to consider what value installation via MacPorts adds, compared to creating a venv and installing osxphotos into it with pip. Typically we add python modules to MacPorts because either something else in MacPorts needs them, or they have dependencies that pip can't install.

For me the value would be not having to learn about or deal with tools like venv and pip (and npm and etc., etc.), but managing my system using just MacPorts.

>> If someone would be willing to create an initial Portfile for osxphotos I wouldn’t mind volunteering to keep it up to date. Let me know if you’d like to help out with getting this going.
> Here's an incomplete and untested first pass at one, based on a template from the portfile-gen script: <https://gist.github.com/jmroot/199e3a9348226979350e4be7d20ae865>

Cool, thanks for looking into this.


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