[MacPorts] #15434: RFE: port search should search name, description and long_description

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 20 04:32:04 PST 2008

#15434: RFE: port search should search name, description and long_description
  Reporter:  raimue@…             |       Owner:  raimue@…           
      Type:  enhancement          |      Status:  reopened           
  Priority:  Normal               |   Milestone:  MacPorts 1.7.0     
 Component:  base                 |     Version:  1.6.0              
Resolution:                       |    Keywords:                     
      Port:                       |  

Comment(by mcklaren@…):

 Replying to [comment:5 raimue@…]:
 > Replying to [comment:3 landonf at macports.org]:
 > > This actually makes 'search' pretty useless if you use a common term.
 Take 'tex' as an example -- port search tex returns 391 ports, but almost
 none of them are related to TeX.
 > Hm, there is `port echo name:tex` to search in port names only, but that
 is not so obvious. How should it be changed?
 > We could add flags to specify the fields to search for:
 > {{{
 > port search tex
 > port search --name tex
 > port search --name --description --long_description tex
 > }}}
 > Or add an option to `port echo` to get more output than just the name.

 I see fine this option, I think that port search tex could be a default
 form, for example, port search tex = port search --name tex then add 2 new
 options port search --description and port search --long-description, too
 i will add best a --long-description that --long_description, IMHO

Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/15434#comment:9>
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