[MacPorts] #30522: port selfupdate and upgrade outdated do not take into account dependencies with outdated builds

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Aug 1 09:03:47 PDT 2011

#30522: port selfupdate and upgrade outdated do not take into account dependencies
with outdated builds
 Reporter:  lorddefinitia@…          |       Owner:  macports-tickets@…                   
     Type:  defect                   |      Status:  new                                  
 Priority:  Normal                   |   Milestone:                                       
Component:  ports                    |     Version:  2.0.0                                
 Keywords:  upgrade port libpng12    |        Port:  general                              
 This is a duplicate of this bug: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/28049

 Only reason I didn't post there is because it was incorrectly closed.

 I had the exact same issue (even the output of pango failing to build
 is/was the exact same as mine, and the solution was identical, though I
 still have gdk-pixbuf2 built for libpng12 atm), basically I had several
 libraries that were of the newest versions, but have still been built for
 libpng12. Upon upgrading, these versions were left intact and not re-built
 for libpng14, causing anything that depended on something (like cairo)
 built for libpng12 to fail. I suggest integrating the functionality of the
 script found in the bug provided above into macports itself, so that
 checks may be made and old libraries rebuilt when necessary.


Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/30522>
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