[MacPorts] #31943: hgsubversion: fix naming and dependencies

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Nov 6 15:39:18 PST 2011

#31943: hgsubversion: fix naming and dependencies
 Reporter:  macports.org@…             |       Owner:  macports-tickets@…                   
     Type:  defect                     |      Status:  new                                  
 Priority:  Normal                     |   Milestone:                                       
Component:  ports                      |     Version:  2.0.3                                
 Keywords:                             |        Port:  py26-hgsubversion                    
 hgsubversion is currently called `py26-hgsubversion` and depends on:

  * mercurial
  * python26
  * subversion-python26bindings

 This is troublesome, because `mercurial`'s python dependency was changed
 to 2.7, meaning hgsubversion now needs `subversion-python27bindings` (or
 `py27-subvertpy` both will work) and does *not* need either `python26` or
 `subversion-python26bindings`, but this is not handled by macports and
 will instead break at runtime:
 > hg clone http://fbug.googlecode.com/svn/
 destination directory: svn
 abort: no compatible bindings available:

 Subversion 1.5.0 or later required, but no bindings were found
 Subvertpy 0.7.4 or later required, but not found

 Please install either Subvertpy or the Subversion Python SWIG bindings!

  * The direct Python dependency should be removed from hgsubversion
 (hgsubversion gets it transitively via the dependency on mercurial)
  * hgsubversion should depend on "the subversion-python*bindings
 corresponding to hg's Python dependency" if it's possible to express such
 a complex dependency
  * A variant should be added replacing the dependency on `subversion-
 python*bindings` by a dependency on `py*-subvertpy`

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/31943>
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