[MacPorts] #34385: Support gcc47 and gcc48 on ppc

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Aug 9 09:08:47 PDT 2012

#34385: Support gcc47 and gcc48 on ppc
  Reporter:  boby.foulcan@…          |       Owner:  jeremyhu@…           
      Type:  defect                  |      Status:  reopened             
  Priority:  Normal                  |   Milestone:                       
 Component:  ports                   |     Version:  2.0.4                
Resolution:                          |    Keywords:  Leopard ppc          
      Port:  gcc42 gcc47 gcc48       |  

Comment(by darylew@…):

 Replying to [comment:27 darylew@…]:
 > I've been doing other stuff for several weeks.  When I updated my copy
 of `gcc46`, it also automatically tried to update my copy of `gcc47`.  It
 used my Apple GCC 4.0.1 system compiler, and ended with the same error
 that GCC 4.6 does (can't link in several functions from the C++ runtime
 library).  I'll try redoing it with Apple GCC 4.2 and see if it solves it
 like for `gcc46`.

 I built GCC 4.7 with:

 sudo port install gcc47 configure.compiler=apple-gcc-4.2

 (It seems to ignore the compiler override if I use "upgrade" instead of
 "install".)  The newly built `gcc47` did compile my test programs,
 although with the same warnings as before some change broke everything:

 ld: warning: object file compiled with -mlong-branch which is no longer
 needed. To remove this warning, recompile without -mlong-branch:
 ld: warning: object file compiled with -mlong-branch which is no longer
 needed. To remove this warning, recompile without -mlong-branch:
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZNSt17integral_constantIbLb0EE5valueE:G(0,246)=k(0,47) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZNSt17integral_constantIbLb1EE5valueE:G(0,246) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN9__gnu_cxx24__numeric_traits_integerIiE5__minE:G(0,203) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN9__gnu_cxx24__numeric_traits_integerIiE5__maxE:G(0,203) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN9__gnu_cxx25__numeric_traits_floatingIfE16__max_exponent10E:G(0,203) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN9__gnu_cxx25__numeric_traits_floatingIdE16__max_exponent10E:G(0,203) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN9__gnu_cxx25__numeric_traits_floatingIeE16__max_exponent10E:G(0,203) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN9__gnu_cxx24__numeric_traits_integerImE8__digitsE:G(0,203) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 in bin/cayley_example.test/gcc-4.7/debug/cayley_example.o
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 in bin/cayley_example.test/gcc-4.7/debug/cayley_example.o
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN9__gnu_cxx24__numeric_traits_integerIsE5__maxE:G(0,249) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm0EE4rankE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm0EE13element_countE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm0EE10dimensionsE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_arIiLm0EE10dimensionsE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm1EE4rankE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm1EE13element_countE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm1EE10dimensionsE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_arIiLm1EE4rankE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_arIiLm1EE13element_countE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_arIiLm1EE10dimensionsE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm2EE4rankE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm2EE13element_countE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm2EE10dimensionsE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_arIiLm2EE4rankE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm3EE4rankE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm3EE13element_countE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_aiIiLm3EE10dimensionsE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 _ZN5boost4math14cdh_complex_arIiLm3EE4rankE:G(0,32) in
 ld: warning: can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs
 in bin/cayley_example.test/gcc-4.7/debug/cayley_example.o

 A source of concern is that MacPorts' versions of ISL and CLooG are older
 than what GCC 4.7 wants (0.07 and 0.16.3 instead of 0.10 and 0.17.0,
 respectively).  That could be the cause of the whole mess, since I suspect
 the problem is on our end.  (When I tried building GCC 4.7 from GNU's
 archives, it seemed OK, although I never fully installed it.)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/34385#comment:28>
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