[MacPorts] #36156: wxwidgets issue with 10.7 sdk (XCode 4.4)

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Oct 1 03:22:30 PDT 2012

#36156: wxwidgets issue with 10.7 sdk (XCode 4.4)
  Reporter:  and.damore@…  |      Owner:  jwa@…
      Type:  enhancement   |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  Normal        |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports         |    Version:  2.1.2
Resolution:  fixed         |   Keywords:  lion mountainlion haspatch
      Port:  wxwidgets     |

Comment (by frederic.devernay@…):

 wxWidgets-devel is not a viable option (Cocoa version is buggy, and
 requires source code modifications).
 Rather that not being able to install with some Xcode version, it would be
 better to check for the presence of the SDK. Here's what I do on Mountain
 Lion (BTW, the Portfile doesn't seem to handle Mountain Lion at all, since
 there's no darwin 12 section):

 platform darwin 12 {
         pre-fetch {
                 if {![file exists
                         return -code error
 "\n********************\n${name} requires Mac OS X 10.6 SDK, please get it
 from XCode 3.2.6\n********************"
     configure.args-append \
         --with-macosx-version-min=10.6 \


 The SDKs, and other legacy components, can be extracted from Xcode 3.2.6,
 and installed on XCode >= 4.2, with the attached "XcodeLegacy.sh" script.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/36156#comment:2>
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