[MacPorts] #36719: gcc47: static c++ standard library (libstdc++.a) not built

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Oct 25 00:20:41 PDT 2012

#36719: gcc47: static c++ standard library (libstdc++.a) not built
  Reporter:  bach@…  |      Owner:  jeremyhu@…
      Type:  defect  |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal  |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports   |    Version:  2.1.2
Resolution:          |   Keywords:
      Port:  gcc47   |

Comment (by bach@…):

 Replying to [comment:3 jeremyhu@…]:
 > What makes you think you need this?

 I'm the author of a scientific command line software
 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mira-assembler/) which is a royal pain to
 get all needed components for (because some are pretty recent and not
 installed everywhere), be it for compile time or for for run-time: gcc >=
 4.6, BOOST >= 1.49, zlib >=1.27, google perftools and a couple of others.

 Users are often biologists with minimal computer skills, often without
 installation / root rights on the corresponding machines which in turn
 might be old installations >=5 years lacking needed libraries. Being able
 to provide people with a single binary they can drop even into their home
 directory without messing with the system (or environment variables like
 DYLD_*, LD_*) turned out over the years to be the simplest solution with
 the least hurdles for them and the least amount of hand holding support by

 Main development and run environments of the software is general Unix
 (Linux main, but also Solaris) and the build system is autotools +
 libtools. If there is a **simple** way on Mac to provide the software I am
 willing to try and adapt the build environment, but prime directive is
 that it needs to integrate with autotools/libtools and be easy for the
 user (as described above).

 > Yeah, I thought about providing it, but that will lead to more bugs than
 it fixes.

 What kind of bugs would these be? I am aware of some ABI hickups in the
 4.7 line (slist most notably) but would be interested to learn what other
 problems could arise.

 Would switching back to gcc 4.6 help, is a static libstdc++ present there?


Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/36719#comment:4>
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