[MacPorts] #41588: Boost.Regex with GCC broken on Mavericks?

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Dec 6 02:52:17 PST 2013

#41588: Boost.Regex with GCC broken on Mavericks?
  Reporter:  akim.demaille@…  |      Owner:  macports-tickets@…
      Type:  defect           |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  Normal           |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports            |    Version:  2.2.1
Resolution:  invalid          |   Keywords:  mavericks
      Port:  boost            |

Comment (by akim.demaille@…):

 Replying to [comment:15 jonesc@…]:
 > Replying to [comment:8 akim.demaille@…]:
 > > Well, this is really a pity.  I wonder how the GNU/Linux distros
 handle this issue when they deploy Boost.
 > Simple, they don't mix c++ runtimes. They pick one (I guess 99.99% of
 the time its a libstdc++ runtime, are there any linux distros based on
 libc++ yet ?) and compile *everything* against that 'one true runtime'.

 FWIW, I can see a significant difference bw the Ubuntu I have at hand, and
 the MacPorts: on the Ubuntu, clang used in C++11 mode does support C++11
 with stdlibc++ (the one from GCC).  On Mountain Lion, when I use clang++
 -std=c+11, it seems to use a pre-C++11 installation of libstdc++, so it
 does not support C++11.  So I have to pass -stdlib=libc++, which in turn
 breaks everything, since that's not the "system" C++ library.

 As a consequence, I can, on Ubuntu, use C++11 and Boost with both
 compilers (since the real issue is not the compiler, but the "standard"
 C++ library).

 Can't MacPorts' deployments of clang be fixed so that they use the
 MacPorts' libstdc++?

 > Why are you so intent on using GCC ? If you want to carry on support
 OSX, the best thing I would say you can do is invest time to get your code
 working with clang.

 I maintain free software (e.g., Bison and Vaucanson), and it is extremely
 important for me to test this software in all the possible configurations:
 this way I can anticipate the problems that other will face, and will
 report to me.  It saves me a lot of time to fix issues before they spread
 in releases.

 Also clang and g++ have different virtues.  Sometimes I prefer Clang error
 messages, but GCC optimizes better my pieces of code.

 I also confess that I feel safer with the GPL than with BSD, and I am
 worried to see GCC being "ejected" from Mac OS X; this is certainly
 something that Apple is happy about, and I am not.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/41588#comment:17>
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