[MacPorts] #42212: dependencies correction for py-enable

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed Jan 22 08:06:29 PST 2014

#42212: dependencies correction for py-enable
  Reporter:  jjstickel@…  |      Owner:  macports-tickets@…
      Type:  defect       |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal       |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports        |    Version:  2.2.1
Resolution:               |   Keywords:  maintainer haspatch
      Port:  py-enable    |

Comment (by jjstickel@…):

 I have tested enable by running the demo script
 basic_draw.py]. If I deactivate py27-pyqt4, py27-pyside, AND
 py27-wxpython-3.0, then I get:
 $ python enable_basic_draw.py
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "enable_basic_draw.py", line 8, in <module>
     from enable.example_support import DemoFrame, demo_main
 /site-packages/enable/example_support.py", line 66, in <module>
     from pyface.qt import QtGui
 /site-packages/pyface/qt/QtGui.py", line 4, in <module>
     from PyQt4.Qt import QKeySequence, QTextCursor
 ImportError: No module named Qt
 However, if any one, and only one, of the backends is activated, including
 wxpython-3.0, the demo runs fine with no output. So it looks like enable
 searches for qt4 first, but then uses wxpython if it is installed. Also,
 if traitsui or pyface are deactivated, I get import errors as well. So the
 dependency tree is simply about finding modules to import.

 Does this help with your questions? Also, note that I found that
 wxpython-3.0 works fine for enable and chaco (via traitsui->pyface), but
 is buggy with Mayavi.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/42212#comment:7>
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