[MacPorts] #34326: Python ports do not adhere to PEP 394 and provide "python2" and "python3"

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Jan 26 06:02:09 PST 2015

#34326: Python ports do not adhere to PEP 394 and provide "python2" and "python3"
  Reporter:  mikko@…                             |      Owner:  macports-
      Type:  enhancement                         |  tickets@…
  Priority:  Normal                              |     Status:  new
 Component:  ports                               |  Milestone:
Resolution:                                      |    Version:  2.0.4
      Port:  python_select python24 python25     |   Keywords:
  python26 python27 python31 python32 python33   |
  python34                                       |

Comment (by raimue@…):

 At the moment we only allow to control the symlink of
 `${prefix}/bin/python` with a single select target, with which you can
 choose between any python2x or python3x version. However, it only allows
 one of the versions to be active at the same time, so it would only add
 python2 ''xor'' python3 symlinks.

 The only solution to go forward with our current select system would be to
 split it into three select groups for `python`, `python2`, `python3`. Each
 of these groups would control the corresponding symlink in bin and man
 pages. Comment #[comment:17] above also introduced the idea to make
 `python` a choice between `python2` and `python3` which would also be
 possible, but breaks compatibility with the previous behavior.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/34326#comment:24>
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