[MacPorts] #48995: bob @ 1.2.2 Version obsolete

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Sep 29 14:23:02 PDT 2015

#48995: bob @ 1.2.2 Version obsolete
  Reporter:  tiagofrepereira@…  |      Owner:  macports-tickets@…
      Type:  update             |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal             |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports              |    Version:  2.3.3
Resolution:                     |   Keywords:  haspatch
      Port:  bob                |
Changes (by ryandesign@…):

 * keywords:   => haspatch
 * port:   => bob


 Instead of attaching a zip file containing a complete portfile, please
 submit a unified diff of the portfile. This makes it easier to review your
 proposed changes.

 You've declared that bob should be replaced by py-bob. This is not
 correct, because py-bob is a stub port (as are all ports whose names begin
 with "py-") -- it doesn't install anything. Instead, you should declare
 that one of py-bob's subports is the replacement port, for example

 You're still defining a variable called soversion, though it is never
 used. It should be removed.

 You're declaring a pre-configure block to print an error message. You're
 also including the obsolete 1.0 portgroup. One of the things that
 portgroup does for you is to print that error message; you should not
 manually declare a pre-configure block to do that.

 Proper use of the obsolete 1.0 portgroup requires you to declare the
 "replaced_by ..." line before the "PortGroup obsolete 1.0" line.

 When filing a ticket, remember to fill in the Port field, and include the
 keyword "haspatch" when you are providing the fix for the issue.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/48995#comment:1>
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