[MacPorts] #54528: Zenity @3.24.0 does not build on Mac OS X 10.6.8, Snow Leopard, because jack is needed but cannot be downloaded

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Jul 25 16:58:33 UTC 2017

#54528: Zenity @3.24.0 does not build on Mac OS X 10.6.8, Snow Leopard, because
jack is needed but cannot be downloaded
  Reporter:  ballapete  |      Owner:  dbevans
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal     |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports      |    Version:  2.4.1
Resolution:             |   Keywords:  snowleopard
      Port:  zenity     |

Comment (by gnw3):

 Zenity is a Gnome application so if built with webkitgtk (e.g., on libc++
 systems) depends on jack via webkit2-gtk and  gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good:

 $ port dependents jack gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good webkit2-gtk
 gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good depends on jack
 webkit2-gtk depends on gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good
 yelp depends on webkit2-gtk
 zenity depends on webkit2-gtk

 Zenity can be built (e.g., "works for me") without webkitgtk via a
 configure option which currently is set to {{{--disable-webkitgtk}}} but
 gets changed to {{{--enable-webkitgtk}}} on libc++ systems.   I suppose
 there could be a {{{-webkitgtk}}} variant, but then you need to deal with
 {{{+webkitgtk}}} on non libc++ systemt -- seems a bit complex for the
 variants mechanism in macports.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54528#comment:2>
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