[MacPorts] #68844: Several R ports: noarch?

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed Dec 6 11:08:08 UTC 2023

#68844: Several R ports: noarch?
  Reporter:  jmroot                              |      Owner:
                                                 |  barracuda156
      Type:  enhancement                         |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal                              |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports                               |    Version:
Resolution:                                      |   Keywords:
      Port:  R-StanHeaders R-mathjaxr R-memoise  |
  R-mixl R-rapidjsonr R-reshape R-semds R-taber  |
  R-yahoofinancer                                |

Comment (by jmroot):

 Replying to [comment:2 barracuda156]:
 > I am generally relying on CRAN info (which apparently just parses
 DESCRIPTION file from the source): it says whether compilation is needed
 or not.
 > For example, `mathjaxr` is supposed to have compilable files:
 > And indeed, upstream repo has `src` folder (which carries non-R sources,
 normally C/C++/Fortran): https://github.com/wviechtb/mathjaxr
 > It is surprising if it does not install anything of those.

 What I know is simply that the darwin_22.x86_64 archive does not contain
 any files starting with a Mach-O magic number. If there is compiled code
 that is supposed to be installed but isn't, I guess that's a slightly
 different problem.

 > I did see a few cases where CRAN info was inaccurate, perhaps due to
 developers being careless and not specifying that a package is R-only. So
 it is not 100% reliable.

 MacPorts 2.9 will check for this kind of problem when you run `port test`,
 so that should hopefully make it easier to notice.

 > I have no idea whether R packages install non-identical R files across
 OS versions and platforms and whether that is always consistent. If
 someone could confirm that is strictly the case, adding a line for
 platforms won’t be hard, as long as `noarch` always implies `{darwin

 One is not a necessary or sufficient condition for the other,
 unfortunately. A simple example of a port that is noarch but installs
 different files on different OS version is gcc_select.

 But both do tend to be applicable for ports that just install scripts.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/68844#comment:3>
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