Unable to get subversion 1.4 to work

Elise van Looij evlooij at xs4all.nl
Mon Oct 16 05:24:16 PDT 2006

Thank you very much Rob, it finally worked!

Op 13-okt-2006, om 4:14 heeft Rob het volgende geschreven:

> Here's a basic recipe for getting MacPorts Subversion running using  
> MacPorts Apache...
> <SNIP steps 1-3>
> 4. Verify that the client part is working by checking out the trunk  
> of the Subversion project:
>     % mkdir svn-trunk
>     % svn co http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk svn-trunk
That worked so the client is working. BTW, do I need to keep this stuff?

> 5. Create a repository
>     % cd /
>     % sudo mkdir svn-repos
>     % cd svn-repos
>     % sudo mkdir public
>     % sudo svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs public
I did use svnadmin create before, but not with the fs-type fsfs options

> 6. Change the owner to be "www":
>     % cd /
>     % sudo chown -R www svn-repos
> 7. Add the following lines at the end of the "LoadModule" section  
> in your Apache httpd.conf file:
>     # ----- Subversion:
>     LoadModule dav_svn_module  modules/mod_dav_svn.so
>     LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/mod_authz_svn.so
I had done that before but got confused by conflicting instruction so  
I had commented out the authz_svn_module. Turned that on again.

> 8. Add the following lines at the end of your Apache httpd.conf file:
>     #
>     # Define Subversion access
>     #
>     <Location /svn/>
>       DAV svn
>       SVNParentPath /svn-repos
>       SVNListParentPath on
>     </Location>
Now this is a lot different from what I had, especially the path.

> Note that this is the world's simplest Subversion access  
> configuration using Apache. It is meant only to be used to help  
> verify that your installation is working properly. Later, you  
> should configure your repository hosting access controls according  
> to the Subversion documentation (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/).
> 9. Restart Apache to activate your changes:
>     % sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k restart
> 10. Now, you should be ready to test your installation. First,  
> point your browser to http://localhost/svn/ . You should see a  
> "Collection of Repositories" page with your "public" repository  
> listed in it.
Never seen that before, what a beautiful sight!

> It will be empty, so if you click on it, it will have nothing and  
> be at Revision 0 (go ahead and try it!). Next, go to your home  
> directory and create a project template directory to import as your  
> first revision:
>     % cd ~
>     % mkdir svn-template
>     % cd svn-template
>     % mkdir trunk branches tags
> Import your project template directory into the "public" repository  
> using
>     % svn import . http://localhost/svn/public -m "Initial import."
> Go back to your browser and go to http://localhost/svn/public/ (if  
> you're there already, just refresh the page). You should now see  
> the "branches," "tags," and "trunk" directories listed and the  
> repository should be at Revision 1.

Hallelujah, it finally worked! Thank you again and thanks to everyone  
who responded to my cry for help--after days of struggling alone it  
is nice to know there are other people willing to think along with you.

Elise van Looij

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