Apache2 Installation Error

Altoine Barker ndiscreet at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 07:39:27 PDT 2007

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Pardon my troubleshooting at this point. It was very late and I was not
at my full capacity mentally. If I were, I would have first asked Ben
for his setup first before making any assumptions. What I was trying to
pinpoint is if the problem was in the config script using /usr/bin/ld
(binutils) and /usr/bin/install (coreutils) affecting his compile if the
Xcode was correct, which it wasn't. On further remonstration, I realized
my error and then posted the correct question that I should have asked

- -Altoine

P.S. You are correct on all your points, Ryan.

Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Apr 4, 2007, at 00:02, Altoine Barker wrote:
>> Ok. Give me your setup information; OS, XCode, PATH, and MacPort. I look
>> ed over your debug information and I noticed that it references or uses
>> programs primarily from your Mac OS X Panther environment (i.e.
>> /usr/bin) and not from the MacPorts environment. If your path is setup
>> so that /opt/local/bin and /opt/local/sbin are first entries in your
>> path with the exception of a python path entry, you might need to
>> install binutils, clean libiconv again, and then attempt to reinstall
>> libiconv. This way, MacPorts will depend on itself and less on your Mac
>> OS X Panther environment. HTH
> Altoine, what items are you seeing that are being picked up from the
> system that you believe should be picked up from MacPorts instead?
> The PATH may influence that, but if a port requires a component from
> MacPorts, then it is the port's responsibility to ensure that the
> MacPorts version of the component is used in preference to the system
> component. If that breaks just because the user's PATH is different than
> the port author's, then that is a bug in the port (i.e. the port has not
> used all the configuration options at its disposal to inform the
> software where the MacPorts libraries are located).
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