Please suggest a Mac program similar to "top" on Linux

Ansgar Esztermann ansgar at
Mon Aug 20 11:37:20 PDT 2007

On Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 07:37:15AM -0700, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:

> I also don't think it's really even worth exploring a port of Linux's  
> htop unless you just want to steal the front end of it and rewrite  
> everything else.  The statistics gathering methodology is just too  
> different on the two platforms.  Linux uses procfs, as you've already  
> determined, and Mac OS X uses a combination of sysctls, private API  
> and .. other stuff .. for grabbing information out of Mach and the  
> variety of other places we've squirreled it.

That's my experience as well. A year back or so, when I had too much
time on my hands, I tried myself at top.
I found I had to poke in various strange places to gather all process
info, and that some fields exist in one OS but not the other.
I am not sure what would be easier: re-write the bottom layer of htop,
or add interactivity to Mac OS X's top.

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