building custom gdal/grass modules

Jeff Stubbs jeff at
Tue Aug 21 12:27:57 PDT 2007

On Aug 21, 2007, at 10:12 AM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:

> On Aug 21, 2007, at 9:58 AM, Jeff Stubbs wrote:
>> Several of the gdal modules have restricted access. So, I just  
>> can't set up a master_sites directive in the modified portfile. It  
>> appears that I'll have to download the .gz file and store them  
>> locally on my machine. The obvious directory would be "/opt/local/ 
>> src", but the question then becomes. can the master_sites  
>> directive take a "files:///opt/local/src" as an argument?
> If you move the file into the appropriate distfiles sub-directory  
> (sub-directory of /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/ by default),  
> macports won't try to download it (because it's already been  
> downloaded).

Ahhh, that would solve the problem. Would MP then update the receipt  
file, to indicate that the file is downloaded??

Another question: From the grass dev list, they seem to be moving  
most/all math functions to BLAS/LAPACK. Is there any problem within  
Macports to linking to the Apple supplied accelerate framework? I've  
seen other dependencies that rely on stuff in /usr/bin, ....etc.

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