How can I work around not being able to use rsync?

Chris Pickel sfiera at
Tue Aug 21 17:16:25 PDT 2007

On 21 Aug, 2007, at 20:00, Scott Prahl wrote:
> I cannot use rsync because of our firewall.  How do I set things up  
> so that I can have an svn repository of the dports files and use  
> macports?  I am using MacPorts 1.5
> Ultimately, I would like to be able to 'svn up' to get the latest  
> portfiles and then be able to use 'port install foo' as usual.

svn is a valid solution for how to sync your ports tree. However,  
that's only one half of selfupdate--selfupdate also pulls down the  
newest version of MacPorts (currently 1.5.2) and recompiles it if  
necessary. The error you're getting pertains to the absence of a  
feature that was added in 1.5.1.

You can `svn co 
release_1_5_2/base/` and then do the regular Unix dance of `./ 
configure && make && sudo make install` to upgrade to 1.5.2. It may  
also be possible to automate this by linking in "base" in the same  
way as you did "ports", but I haven't done it myself and would rather  
someone with experience describe that process.

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