sudo port install apache2

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Dec 15 04:41:24 PST 2007

Well, you're not getting the same output as me: your httpd is linked  
against /usr/lib/libSystem and /usr/local/lib/libexpat. Mine is  
linked against /usr/lib/libSystem and /usr/lib/libgcc.

Apple does not provide any software in /usr/local so you must have  
manually compiled expat in prefix /usr/local and then manually  
compiled apache in prefix /usr. The latter unfortunately seems to  
have overwritten parts of Mac OS X (including at least Mac OS X's  
version of apache). If you can figure out what all that process  
installed, you should manually remove those items. (MacPorts keeps  
track of what it installed where so that it can uninstall it later  
with "port uninstall", but normal unix software installed by hand  
provides no such mechanism.) Then you will have no apache.

You will then probably want to put Apple's apache back on, to make  
your system whole again. (Mac OS X software updates could behave  
unpredictably if the files they're trying to update aren't there.)  
But the only way I know of to do that would be to reinstall Mac OS X.  
Since you probably have a later version of Mac OS X on your hard  
drive now than the version that's on your install DVD, the only Apple- 
supported way to do this is to do an archive and install of the OS.  
(Apple does not support installing an older version of Mac OS X on  
top of a newer version, as far as I know.)

You could just choose to ignore the apache that's in /usr/sbin/httpd,  
and just use MacPorts's apache2 instead. I recommend that anyway,  
since it will be kept more up-to-date than Apple's.

Should you opt for reinstalling the OS, I recommend you do not then  
start manually compiling any software again, but rather use MacPorts  
to install whatever you need. If you find any software for which  
ports do not yet exist, ports can be created.

On Dec 15, 2007, at 06:19, Charlse Darwin wrote:

> I am getting the same:
> $ otool -L /usr/sbin/httpd
> /usr/sbin/httpd:
>         /usr/local/lib/libexpat.0.1.0.dylib (compatibility version  
> 2.0.0, current version 2.0.0)
>         /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0,  
> current version 88.1.10)
> $
> I have tried installing Apache from their own []  
> source code. Is there anyway that I can undo the deed?
> On Dec 14, 2007, at 11:33 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> Why is your /usr/sbin/httpd linked against anything in /usr/local/ 
>> lib? This is what it should be linked with, at least on Tiger:
>> $ otool -L /usr/sbin/httpd
>> /usr/sbin/httpd:
>>         /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0,  
>> current version 1.0.0)
>>         /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0,  
>> current version 88.3.5)
>> $
>> Have you replaced Apple's Apache with a build of your own? You  
>> should not have done that.
>> You should install the apache2 port from MacPorts and use that  
>> instead. It should work correctly. I use it all the time.
>> On Dec 14, 2007, at 21:05, Charlse Darwin wrote:
>>> $ sudo apachectl start
>>> dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libexpat.0.1.0.dylib
>>>   Referenced from: /usr/sbin/httpd
>>>   Reason: image not found
>>> /usr/sbin/apachectl: line 187: 16752 Trace/BPT trap          $HTTPD
>>> /usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
>>> $
>>> On Dec 14, 2007, at 9:12 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> Well, you should probably just move /usr/local aside first.  
>>>> Other software (including MacPorts ports) may be inadvertently  
>>>> linked with the libraries in /usr/local/lib. As you discover  
>>>> these, rebuild those ports to link them properly with the  
>>>> MacPorts-provided libraries. Once you're no longer using any  
>>>> software in /usr/local, then you can get rid of it (making sure  
>>>> that you have no actual important data in there first).
>>>> On Dec 14, 2007, at 20:01, Charlse Darwin wrote:
>>>>> Should I run?
>>>>> sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib
>>>>> On Dec 14, 2007, at 8:58 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>> Good, so something in /usr/local was conflicting.
>>>>>> I see now all the other libs that you do have in /usr/local/ 
>>>>>> lib. Those will probably also conflict with MacPorts-installed  
>>>>>> programs. This is why we recommend not having anything in /usr/ 
>>>>>> local/lib. Instead, install all software you need using MacPorts.
>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2007, at 19:53, Charlse Darwin wrote:
>>>>>>> $ mv mv /usr/local mv /usr/local-off
>>>>>>> Password:
>>>>>>> $ sudo port install apache2
>>>>>>> --->  Building db44 with target all
>>>>>>> --->  Staging db44 into destroot
>>>>>>> --->  Installing db44 4.4.20_1+darwin_8
>>>>>>> --->  Activating db44 4.4.20_1+darwin_8
>>>>>>> --->  Cleaning db44
>>>>>>> --->  Fetching gawk
>>>>>>> --->  Attempting to fetch gawk-3.1.5.tar.bz2 from http:// 
>>>>>>> --->  Verifying checksum(s) for gawk
>>>>>>> --->  Extracting gawk
>>>>>>> --->  Applying patches to gawk
>>>>>>> --->  Configuring gawk
>>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2007, at 8:43 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>>>> Um.... it was anticipated to have been in /usr/local/lib but  
>>>>>>>> I don't see it there either.
>>>>>>>> Try moving the entire /usr/local aside (e.g. rename it "/usr/ 
>>>>>>>> local-off") and see if that helps.
>>>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2007, at 19:14, Charlse Darwin wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Where is readline?
>>>>>>>>> $ ls /usr/local/*
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2:
>>>>>>>>> bin     docs    include lib
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/OpenSourceLicenses:
>>>>>>>>> MySQL.txt               RemoteDesktop.txt
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/OpenSourceVersions:
>>>>>>>>> MySQL.plist             RemoteDesktop.plist
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/apache:
>>>>>>>>> bin     include libexec sbin    share
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/apr:
>>>>>>>>> bin     build-1 include lib
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/bin:
>>>>>>>>> bash                    darwinxref               
>>>>>>>>> make                    python2.5-config         
>>>>>>>>>                svndumpfilter
>>>>>>>>> bashbug                 decomment                
>>>>>>>>> nano                    pythonw                  
>>>>>>>>>             svnlook
>>>>>>>>> check_dylib             idle                     
>>>>>>>>> pydoc                   pythonw2.5               
>>>>>>>>> srm                     svnserve
>>>>>>>>> checksyms               idle2.5                  
>>>>>>>>> pydoc2.5                relpath                  
>>>>>>>>> sudo                    svnsync
>>>>>>>>> ctfconvert.c            indr                     
>>>>>>>>> python                  rnano                    
>>>>>>>>> sudoedit                svnversion
>>>>>>>>> darwinbuild             kern_tool               python- 
>>>>>>>>> config           seg_addr_table           
>>>>>>>>> svn                     wget
>>>>>>>>> darwinmaster            kextsymboltool           
>>>>>>>>> python2.5               seg_hack                 
>>>>>>>>> svnadmin                whois
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/etc:
>>>>>>>>> wgetrc
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/include:
>>>>>>>>> DarwinBuild     apr-1           db.h             
>>>>>>>>> dyld            fuse.h          neon            pcap- 
>>>>>>>>> namedb.h   streams         ulockmgr.h
>>>>>>>>> IOKit           cbt             db_cxx.h         
>>>>>>>>> fuse            mach-o          pcap-bpf.h       
>>>>>>>>> pcap.h          subversion-1
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/info:
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/lib:
>>>>>>>>> charset.alias                    
>>>>>>>>> libkld.a                         
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_fs-1.0.dylib              
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra_svn-1.0.dylib         libsvn_wc-1.0.dylib
>>>>>>>>> libapr-            libneon. 
>>>>>>>>> 25.0.5.dylib            libsvn_fs-1.dylib                
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra_svn-1.dylib           libsvn_wc-1.dylib
>>>>>>>>> libapr-1.0.dylib                libneon. 
>>>>>>>>> 25.dylib                libsvn_fs_base-     
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_repos-      libsvnjavahl-
>>>>>>>>> libapr-1.dylib                   
>>>>>>>>> libneon.dylib                    
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_fs_base-1.0.dylib         
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_repos-1.0.dylib          libsvnjavahl-1.0.dylib
>>>>>>>>> libaprutil-         
>>>>>>>>> libpcap.a                        
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_fs_base-1.dylib           
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_repos-1.dylib            libsvnjavahl-1.dylib
>>>>>>>>> libaprutil-1.0.dylib             
>>>>>>>>> libstreams.a                     
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_fs_fs-       
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_subr-       libulockmgr.0.0.0.dylib
>>>>>>>>> libaprutil-1.dylib               
>>>>>>>>> libstreams_debug.a               
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_fs_fs-1.0.dylib           
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_subr-1.0.dylib           libulockmgr.0.dylib
>>>>>>>>> libdb-4.5.dylib                  
>>>>>>>>> libstreams_profile.a             
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_fs_fs-1.dylib             
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_subr-1.dylib             libulockmgr.a
>>>>>>>>> libdb-4.dylib                    
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_client-      
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra-          
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_swig_perl-  libulockmgr.dylib
>>>>>>>>> libdb.dylib                      
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_client-1.0.dylib          
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra-1.0.dylib              
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_swig_perl-1.0.dylib
>>>>>>>>> libexpat.0.1.0.dylib             
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_client-1.dylib            
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra-1.dylib                
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_swig_perl-1.dylib        pkgconfig
>>>>>>>>> libexpat.0.dylib                 
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_delta-       
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra_dav-      
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_swig_py-    svn-apache
>>>>>>>>> libexpat.dylib                   
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_delta-1.0.dylib           
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra_dav-1.0.dylib          
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_swig_py-1.0.dylib        svn-javahl
>>>>>>>>> libfuse.0.0.0.dylib              
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_delta-1.dylib             
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra_dav-1.dylib            
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_swig_py-1.dylib          svn-perl
>>>>>>>>> libfuse.0.dylib                  
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_diff-        
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra_local-    
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_swig_ruby-  svn-python
>>>>>>>>> libfuse.a                        
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_diff-1.0.dylib            
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra_local-1.0.dylib        
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_swig_ruby-1.0.dylib      svn-ruby
>>>>>>>>> libfuse.dylib                    
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_diff-1.dylib              
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra_local-1.dylib         libsvn_swig_ruby-1.dylib
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_fs-          
>>>>>>>>> libsvn_ra_svn-     libsvn_wc-
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/libexec:
>>>>>>>>> gcc                     sudo_noexec.dylib
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/man:
>>>>>>>>> man1    man3    whatis
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/sbin:
>>>>>>>>> visudo
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/share:
>>>>>>>>> darwinbuild     darwinxref      doc              
>>>>>>>>> html            info            locale          man
>>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2007, at 8:04 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> No no -- you need to remove (or temporarily move aside)  
>>>>>>>>>> the readline libraries in /usr/local, *not* the readline  
>>>>>>>>>> installed by MacPorts into /opt/local, which is perfectly  
>>>>>>>>>> fine to have.
>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2007, at 16:54, Charles Darwin wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo port uninstall readline
>>>>>>>>>>> --->  Unable to uninstall readline 5.2.007_0, the  
>>>>>>>>>>> following ports depend on it:
>>>>>>>>>>> --->    bash
>>>>>>>>>>> --->    gnupg
>>>>>>>>>>> Error: port uninstall failed: Please uninstall the ports  
>>>>>>>>>>> that depend on readline first.
>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo port -f uninstall readline
>>>>>>>>>>> --->  Unable to uninstall readline 5.2.007_0, the  
>>>>>>>>>>> following ports depend on it:
>>>>>>>>>>> --->    bash
>>>>>>>>>>> --->    gnupg
>>>>>>>>>>> Warning: Uninstall forced.  Proceeding despite dependencies.
>>>>>>>>>>> --->  Deactivating readline 5.2.007_0
>>>>>>>>>>> --->  Uninstalling readline 5.2.007_0
>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo port install apache2
>>>>>>>>>>> --->  Building db44 with target all
>>>>>>>>>>> Error: Target returned: shell command  
>>>>>>>>>>> " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/ 
>>>>>>>>>>> _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_p 
>>>>>>>>>>> orts_databases_db44/work/db-4.4.20/build_unix" && make  
>>>>>>>>>>> all " returned error 2
>>>>>>>>>>> Command output: /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=compile /usr/bin/ 
>>>>>>>>>>> gcc-4.0 -c -O2  -I../dist/.. -I/opt/local/include ../ 
>>>>>>>>>>> dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c
>>>>>>>>>>>  /usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -c -O2 -I../dist/.. -I/opt/local/ 
>>>>>>>>>>> include ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c  -fno-common - 
>>>>>>>>>>> DPIC -o .libs/db_dump185.o
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c: In function 'main':
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c:212: warning:  
>>>>>>>>>>> assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c:214: warning:  
>>>>>>>>>>> assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c:229: error: 'struct  
>>>>>>>>>>> __db' has no member named 'seq'
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c:229: error: 'R_NEXT'  
>>>>>>>>>>> undeclared (first use in this function)
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c:229: error: (Each  
>>>>>>>>>>> undeclared identifier is reported only once
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c:229: error: for each  
>>>>>>>>>>> function it appears in.)
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c:234: error: 'struct  
>>>>>>>>>>> __db' has no member named 'seq'
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c: In function 'db_hash':
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c:262: error: 'struct  
>>>>>>>>>>> __db' has no member named 'internal'
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c:264: error: 'struct  
>>>>>>>>>>> __db' has no member named 'internal'
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c: In function 'db_btree':
>>>>>>>>>>> ../dist/../db_dump185/db_dump185.c:289: error: 'struct  
>>>>>>>>>>> __db' has no member named 'internal'
>>>>>>>>>>> make: *** [db_dump185.lo] Error 1
>>>>>>>>>>> Error: The following dependencies failed to build: apr- 
>>>>>>>>>>> util db44 sqlite3 gawk readline
>>>>>>>>>>> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
>>>>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2007, at 2:16 PM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2007, at 12:40 PM, Chris Janton wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2007-12-13 , at 21:08 , Daniel J. Luke wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Error: The following dependencies failed to build:  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apr-util db44 sqlite3 gawk openssl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is probably related to:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have the dreaded "readline in /usr/local" problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The resolution to the problem says re-install MacPorts  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the disk image and selfupdate to the latest version.
>>>>>>>>>>>> That's the resolution if you are having problems  
>>>>>>>>>>>> building MacPorts, not if db44 is having problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I would recommend removing your readline from /usr/local  
>>>>>>>>>>>> (perhaps just temporarily) so that db44 can be installed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> What happens to the long list of ports that I have  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> active when I re-install from the disk image?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mac:/opt system$ sudo du -d 1 -h .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 689M    ./local
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 689M    .
>>>>>>>>>>>> Nothing should happen to them if you were to reinstall  
>>>>>>>>>>>> MacPorts (unless you remove /opt/local or files from  
>>>>>>>>>>>> within /opt/local), but it doesn't look like you need to  
>>>>>>>>>>>> reinstall MacPorts.

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