sudo port install apache2

Jochen Küpper jochen at
Sat Dec 15 06:17:28 PST 2007

On 15.12.2007, at 13:41, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> (MacPorts keeps track of what it installed where so that it can  
> uninstall it later with "port uninstall", but normal unix software  
> installed by hand provides no such mechanism.) Then you will have  
> no apache.

autotools often do provide similar mechanisms:

However, you need the "original" source to make sure it works  
correctly -- typically that is long deleted...
Often it is good enough to get the current sources, configure it the  
same way as back then, and run
   make uninstall
See where it get's you.

Anyway, then the OP's /usr/bin/apache is gone and needs to be  
reinstalled from the Apple DVDs.

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