?typo in portfile for gcc43 with gfortran

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Wed Dec 26 09:08:14 PST 2007

On Dec 26, 2007, at 09:55, George Nurser wrote:

> I have just tried to install the latest snapshot (20071221) of gcc43.
> I did
> sudo port -v install gcc43 +gfortran
> & got a failure
> The following requested languages could not be built: objc++
> Supported languages are: c,c++,fortran,java,objc,obj-c++,treelang
> Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure:
> shell command " cd
> "/opt/local/var/macports/build/ 
> _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_lang_ 
> gcc43/work/build"
> && ../gcc-4.3-20071221/configure --prefix=/opt/local
> --libdir=/opt/local/lib/gcc43 --includedir=/opt/local/include/gcc43
> --infodir=/opt/local/share/info --mandir=/opt/local/share/man
> --with-local-prefix=/opt/local --with-system-zlib --disable-nls
> --program-suffix=-mp-4.3
> --with-gxx-include-dir=/opt/local/include/gcc43/c++/
> --with-gmp=/opt/local --with-mpfr=/opt/local
> --enable-languages=c,c++,objc,objc++,fortran " returned error 1
> Looking at the portfile at http://gcc43.darwinports.com/
> # $Id: Portfile 31647 2007-12-01 15:35:54Z mww  macports.org $
> # due to popular request - untested for the BETA; will be removed as
> soon as other languages than C compile successfuly
> Variant: gfortran description "Enables fortran; this language will be
> enabled in the final version - this variant is completely untested!" {
> configure.args-delete --enable-languages=c,c++,objc,obj-c++
> configure.args-append --enable-languages=c,c++,objc,objc++,fortran
> }
> It looks like a typo: objc++ should be obj-c++

I think you're probably right. I'll Cc gcc43's maintainer. In the  
future, you should probably file tickets in our bug tracker when you  
discover problems, making sure to assign the ticket to the port's  

> BTW -- Is there any way of correcting this manually so I can compile
> it? I can't see a portfile on my computer.

You can edit the portfile locally by typing "port edit gcc43" (or  
possibly "sudo port edit gcc43") assuming you have set up your EDITOR  
environment variable correctly.

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