Gomoku port still active?

Mark Duling mark.duling at biola.edu
Thu Jan 11 08:50:45 PST 2007

Douglas Philips <dgou at mac.com> on Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 7:59 AM
-0800 wrote:
>I sent off an email to the officially listed maintainer a few days ago.
>Maybe on vacation, maybe not.
>Anyways, when I try to install Gomoku, the build appears to go fine,  
>but the install of the .app failes.
>It seems to be a path name mispelling, as there is a .app generated.
>Has anyone else seen this?

Markus hasn't been active lately.  The path to the bult app changed
because of changes in Xcode.  I just fixed it.  Give it a few hours and do
a selfupdate try again.  I didn't think it necessary to bump the revision
though, so it isn't obvious that it is fixed.  If the install still fails
next time you try that means than rsync hasn't got the update yet.  Or you
could apply the change to your local file yourself if you're in a hurry.

 destroot	{
 	file mkdir ${destroot}/Applications/DarwinPorts
-	file copy ${worksrcpath}/build/Gomoku.app \
+	file copy ${worksrcpath}/build/Default/Gomoku.app \


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