Trouble installing Source-Highlight

Elias Pipping pipping at
Sat Jul 7 07:37:41 PDT 2007

On Jul 7, 2007, at 4:28 PM, Lorenzo Bettini wrote:

> Elias Pipping wrote:
>>> Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 14:14:46 -0700 (PDT)
>>> From: Binil Thomas <binil.thomas.public at>
>>> Subject: Trouble installing Source-Highlight
>>> To: macports-users at
>>> I encountered the following error while trying to install
>>> source-highlight package using port.
>> < snip >
>>> checking whether the Boost::Regex library is available... no
>>> checking boost/shared_ptr.hpp usability... no
>>> checking boost/shared_ptr.hpp presence... no
>>> checking for boost/shared_ptr.hpp... no
>> < snip >
>>> configure: error:
>>> ERROR! Boost::regex library not installed.
>>> Please install it (download at
>> < snip >
>> Hi,
>> the problem is caused by boost 1.34. I've tried it with boost 1.33 a
>> second ago and it worked flawlessly. I've CC'ed Lorenzo Bettini, the
>> developer of source-highlight, maybe he knows a fix (I don't).
>> Kind regards,
>> Elias
>> PS: I think the link you provided was related to a different problem,
>> because it was encountered with v1.33.


> could you please check where the boost header files are installed?
> I haven't tried 1.34 yet

% dirs

% ls -d boost*
boost  boost-1_34

% file boost
boost: symbolic link to `boost-1_34/boost'

% ls boost-1_34/

% ls boost-1_34/boost/
algorithm                      nondet_random.hpp
aligned_storage.hpp            none.hpp
any.hpp                        numeric
archive                        operators.hpp
array.hpp                      optional
assert.hpp                     optional.hpp
assign                         parameter
assign.hpp                     parameter.hpp
bind                           pending
bind.hpp                       pfto.hpp
blank.hpp                      pointee.hpp
blank_fwd.hpp                  pointer_cast.hpp
call_traits.hpp                pointer_to_other.hpp
cast.hpp                       pool
checked_delete.hpp             preprocessor
compatibility                  preprocessor.hpp
compressed_pair.hpp            program_options
concept_archetype.hpp          program_options.hpp
concept_check.hpp              progress.hpp
config                         property_map.hpp
config.hpp                     property_map_iterator.hpp
crc.hpp                        ptr_container
cregex.hpp                     python
cstdint.hpp                    python.hpp
cstdlib.hpp                    random
current_function.hpp           random.hpp
date_time                      range
date_time.hpp                  range.hpp
detail                         rational.hpp
dynamic_bitset                 ref.hpp
dynamic_bitset.hpp             regex
dynamic_bitset_fwd.hpp         regex.h
dynamic_property_map.hpp       regex.hpp
enable_shared_from_this.hpp    regex_fwd.hpp
filesystem                     scoped_array.hpp
filesystem.hpp                 scoped_ptr.hpp
foreach.hpp                    serialization
format                         shared_array.hpp
format.hpp                     shared_container_iterator.hpp
function                       shared_ptr.hpp
function.hpp                   signal.hpp
function_equal.hpp             signals
function_output_iterator.hpp   signals.hpp
functional                     smart_cast.hpp
functional.hpp                 smart_ptr.hpp
generator_iterator.hpp         spirit
get_pointer.hpp                spirit.hpp
graph                          state_saver.hpp
implicit_cast.hpp              statechart
indirect_reference.hpp         static_assert.hpp
integer                        static_warning.hpp
integer.hpp                    strong_typedef.hpp
integer_fwd.hpp                test
integer_traits.hpp             thread
intrusive_ptr.hpp              thread.hpp
io                             throw_exception.hpp
io_fwd.hpp                     timer.hpp
iostreams                      token_functions.hpp
iterator                       token_iterator.hpp
iterator.hpp                   tokenizer.hpp
iterator_adaptors.hpp          tr1
lambda                         tuple
last_value.hpp                 type.hpp
lexical_cast.hpp               type_traits
limits.hpp                     type_traits.hpp
logic                          typeof
math                           utility
math_fwd.hpp                   utility.hpp
mem_fn.hpp                     variant
mpl                            variant.hpp
multi_array                    vector_property_map.hpp
multi_array.hpp                version.hpp
multi_index                    visit_each.hpp
multi_index_container.hpp      wave
multi_index_container_fwd.hpp  wave.hpp
next_prior.hpp                 weak_ptr.hpp
non_type.hpp                   xpressive

Kind regards,


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