boost 1.34

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Jun 4 14:23:13 PDT 2007

On Jun 4, 2007, at 15:49, Sancho McCann wrote:

> On 4-Jun-07, at 1:18 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Jun 4, 2007, at 11:01, Sancho McCann wrote:
>>> Boost 1.34 has been officially released. What needs to be done to  
>>> move this into the macport system?
>> Looks like the boost port has no maintainer, as you perhaps  
>> already discovered. That means it's up for adoption! Would you be  
>> interested in maintaining it, or at least submitting a patch to  
>> update it to 1.34?
> Yeah, I could do it. It would be my first maintenance task ever on  
> a port though, so I would need some guidance. Is there a good  
> reference to read to explain what I'd need to do?

Not exactly, unfortunately. The documentation from when the project  
was called DarwinPorts has not been migrated to MacPorts yet, and is  
out of date. But you can still read it here in the Internet Archive: 

The best advice is to look at existing portfiles and see how they do  

You will want to make a copy of the boost portfile:

$ cd `port dir boost`
$ cp Portfile Portfile.orig

Then edit the portfile:

$ port edit boost

Then make your changes and try installing the port. Once you have a  
change you're happy with and want to share, get a diff of your changes:

$ diff Portfile.orig Portfile > Portfile.diff

Attach the diff to a new ticket in MacPorts' Trac installation. Then  
write back to the list and tell us the ticket number and someone will  
look at it and commit it.

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