Git and SVN

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Jun 13 10:48:29 PDT 2007

On Jun 13, 2007, at 07:29, Bryan Larsen wrote:

> Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> But the svn variant doesn't actually instruct git-core to build  
>> anything extra; all it does is pull in additional dependencies.  
>> How does that work?
>> variant svn {
>>     depends_run        port:p5-svn-simple port:subversion  
>> port:perl port:p5-libwww-perl
>> }
> There's a line in post-destroot that explicitly removes git-svn if  
> the svn variant isn't installed.

Thank you! That's the bit I overlooked. Looks good to me.

>> Perhaps the maintainer could also add variant descriptions  
>> explaining each variant's purpose.
> Hmmm, most ports don't document their variants: the mere existence  
> of an svn variant implies that it is needed for svn work.

True, most ports don't describe variants, but only because the syntax  
to do so was only invented a month or so ago. We should strive to  
describe most of our variants.

variant doc description {Include documentation} {

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