php5 +apache2 +mysql5 does not behave as expected

Mark Duling mark.duling at
Sat Mar 17 09:26:43 PDT 2007

Elise van Looij <evlooij at> on Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 5:45 AM
-0800 wrote:
>Does this have anything to do with the fact that the installation did not
>result in a proper httpd.conf, as I expected, but in a file called
>httpd.conf.sample which, among other things, has no LoadModule for php5?

The creation of httpd.conf.sample alone is intentional.   If the real file
were installed, then upgrades to php5 would wipe out any modifications you
put in the file and replace it with the sample, and this is undesireable


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