monotone: Portfile for 0.34.

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu May 3 02:30:06 PDT 2007

On May 2, 2007, at 20:57, Michał Roszka wrote:

> This message is mostly informational. Monotone 0.33 build fails on  
> my system. I have tried to build the newer one (0.34). No success  
> either. Finally I have tried to build monotone in a way described  
> in INSTALL ( but it failed at the same  
> point. FYI -- I have reported the issue to monotone- 
> devel at mailing list. It seems to be an architecture issue  
> as build on Intel based Mac is confirmed as successful (both with  
> port utility and manually). I have a dual-processor G4.
> But anyway, maybe I would spare anyone some work if I shared a  
> Portfile for 0.34. It is based on the # $Id: Portfile 23092  
> 2007-03-24 21:14:59Z markd at $ one. I hope that some of  
> you will find it useful. I will get back to you with (hopefully)  
> good news when the build issue is solved. So here is the Portfile:
> PortSystem 1.0
> name             monotone
> version          0.34
> categories       devel
> maintainers      nomaintainer at
> description      A distributed version control system
> long_description \
> 	monotone is a free distributed version control system. It provides \
> 	a simple, single-file transactional version store, with fully \
> 	disconnected operation and an efficient peer-to-peer  
> synchronization \
> 	protocol. It understands history-sensitive merging, lightweight \
> 	branches, integrated code review and 3rd party testing.
> homepage
> platforms        darwin
> master_sites     ${homepage}downloads/${version}/
> checksums        md5 b7a3cd2d4fcb17287641ee2e33f660fd \
> 		 sha1 29fa7e2951b2eaa77673ffaebd00604bab98fd38 \
> 		 rmd160 e6c362ac4f270a21fc5745b80edccc99efa362f7
> depends_lib      lib:XXX:boost
> configure.env    LDFLAGS=-L${prefix}/lib
> configure.args   --infodir=${prefix}/share/info --mandir=${prefix}/ 
> share/man

Thank you. I committed this update to the repository and also removed  
the configure.env line.

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