Missing directory in qt3?

Linc Davis ld-temp-r5tj at pobox.com
Tue Oct 9 08:00:45 PDT 2007

> If qt3 is installed, there should be no need to build $(MOC).
> moc should be built by qt3-x11 (at least, qt3-mac does and puts it in
> /opt/local/bin/).

The MOC build target is not moc itself, which qt3 does install and in  
the right place, but the project's own source files that are  
preprocessed with moc. Moc is some sort of macro processor; that's  
all I know about it.

> In principle, QT Apps should build provided you tell them QTDIR=/ 
> opt/local (put ${prefix} instead of /opt/local) and if needed tweak  
> the Makefile to tell where the bins and libs are ($QTDIR/bin and  
> $QTDIR/lib/qt3 I suppose).

This one doesn't. It does build in Fink. I would use the Fink  
version, but I don't feel like having two redundant QT's. Evolvotron  
needs the source directory of QT in order to build, and the  
developers of QT consider that behavior to be correct. By their  
standards, the MacPorts installation of QT is deficient.

I know almost nothing about QT and this was my first attempt to write  
a portfile. If anyone else wants to try, I can upload what I have.

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