Issues Upgrading Outdated Under 1.700

Bryan Blackburn blb at
Sun Dec 14 15:46:40 PST 2008

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 11:10:28PM +0100, Rainer Müller said:
> Tim Visher wrote:
> > `sudo port -d upgrade outdated`
> > 
> > It's been hung with no output for a solid hour.
> I suppose it is hanging on a stale lock, as I have seen several such
> reports on IRC (already with 1.6, this is not new). But I don't know the
> reason for these locks. Probably force-exiting port using Ctrl-c during
> activate/deactivate could leave this lock file around.
> Check first if there is any other running instance of port:
>   ps aux | grep port
> If there is not, stop the running port instance first (Ctrl-c) and check
> again - just to be sure.

Ah, the lock file; I hadn't thought about that because I was under the
(mistaken?) impression it would have kicked in earlier than deactivating the
port being upgraded.

Can we add the pid to that file at least, then port can test for the
existence of that pid and if not around, claim the lock for itself?


> Then check for the lock file:
>   /opt/local/var/macports/receipts/dep_map.bz2.lock
> If it is there, remove it.
> After that, trying the previous command again should work.
> HTH,
> Rainer

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