gnucash linking wrong libffi.dylib

Jeffrey Goldberg jeffrey at
Sun Feb 3 14:21:34 PST 2008

I must confess that I do not even begin to understand prebinding.  Nor  
do I know what the OS X analog of the linux ldconfig command and  
configuration is.  But I suspect that the answer to my problem will  
lie in those directions.

I've installed gnome/gnucash using macports (that was a bit of a trick  
because of confusion about which guile installation was needed.   
Gnucash configure couldn't find guile16, but I had other problems with  
guile 1.8.  I also needed to install "+without_docs" because otherwise  
port tried and failed to install firefox)  But I did finally get  
something compiled and installed.

However, it won't run, and this is what I get to standard error.

  dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libffi.dylib
    Referenced from:
    Reason: Incompatible library version: QuartzCore requires version  
1.0.0 or later,
     but libffi.dylib provides version 0.0.0

I note that there is a an /opt/local/lib/libffi.dylib installed, but  
apparently that's not the dynamic library that gnucash finds.

As I've said, I am clueless about dynamic libraries, particularly on  

I'm running OS X 10.5.1 with Xcode 3.0 on a G5 PPC.

I have also installed the update to X11 from Macosforge.



Jeffrey Goldberg              

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