"port: command not found" after installing MacPorts-1.6.0-10.5-Leopard.dmg

Esteban Barahona esteban.barahona at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 19:23:11 PST 2008

Asunto: "port: command not found" after installing MacPorts-1.6.0-10.5- 

I downloaded the latest package to install macports; but the "port  
command" doesn't work.
I read the guide up to 2.4. MacPorts and the Shell (at http://guide.macports.org 

after disabling "invisible files" and searching for the .profile file,  
it did not appear...
This seems like quite a basic problem… but I cann't continue with  
testing ports.

Maybe what's left is to configure the terminal so that it can accept  
the "port command"?

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