"The following install step failed: run postflight script for MacPorts-1.6.0."

Juan Manuel Palacios jmpp at macports.org
Wed Jan 9 22:12:28 PST 2008

On Jan 9, 2008, at 2:00 AM, Stefan Schwarzer wrote:

> Here are the info. Can it be that it can't connect to MacPorts (for  
> an update or so) which causes the problem? I am behind a firewill -  
> will have to ask the admin to open port 873 - if that's correct
> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 Installer[18967]: Localized installer  
> script postflight found in the MacPorts-1.6.0 package. Using  
> compatibility mode.
> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]: Unknown  
> shell! Please set your MacPorts compatible environment manually.

	The script is built to only tweak the environment for the bash and  
tcsh shells, which I attempt to detect in the script. If I don't  
detect either I instruct the user to setup his/her environment  
manually, since the script is built for a default scenario and shells  
other than bash and tcsh (legacy support) are not standard.

	What shell are you running? Can you please tell me the output of  
"basename $SHELL"?

> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:23: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]: Checking  
> the shell environment for user "schwarzer"...

	Even though the shell was not recognized, the script still went ahead  
and tried to tweak the environment. My mistake, I should have  
instructed it to exit successfully and not do anything else if the  
shell can't be determined. This is already fixed and will be in the  
next MacPorts pkg installer, whenever that comes around (I'll think  
about re-releasing the 1.6.0 installers with an improved script, but  
at the moment I have no final word on that).

> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:23: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]: /Users/ 
> schwarzer/Downloads/8.1.08/MacPorts-1.6.0.pkg/Contents/Resources/ 
> English.lproj/postflight: line 71: /Users/schwarzer/.: Is a directory
> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]: /Users/ 
> schwarzer/Downloads/8.1.08/MacPorts-1.6.0.pkg/Contents/Resources/ 
> English.lproj/postflight: line 96: /Users/schwarzer/.: Is a directory

	These errors creep up because the script doesn't have a file to add  
the settings to, since it couldn't determine the shell and didn't  
exit. Already fixed per my comments above.

> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]: Your  
> shell already has the right MANPATH environment variable for use  
> with MacPorts!

	Expected: no shell could be determined and therefore, most likely, no  
MANPATH variable was found; in such case the script refrains from  
adding anything to MANPATH (see "destails of the postflight script" at http://guide.macports.org/#installing.macports 
  for more details)

> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:23 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]: Your  
> shell already has the right DISPLAY environment variable for use  
> with MacPorts!

	Expected if you're on Leopard, are you? In any other case, adding a  
DISPLAY variable would have been attempted and an error such as

English.lproj/postflight: line 71: /Users/schwarzer/.: Is a directory

	should have occurred.

> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:24: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:  
> Synchronizing the MacPorts installation with the project's rsync  
> server...
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:24: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:  
> Synchronizing local ports tree from rsync://rsync.macports.org/ 
> release/ports/
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]: rsync:  
> failed to connect to rsync.macports.org: Connection refused (61)
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]: rsync  
> error: error in socket IO (code 10) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-30/ 
> rsync/clientserver.c(94)
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]: Error: / 
> opt/local/bin/port: port selfupdate failed: Couldn't sync the ports  
> tree: Synchronization the local ports tree failed doing rsync
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]: An  
> attempt to synchronize your recent MacPorts installation with the  
> project's rsync server failed!
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]: Please  
> run 'port -d selfupdate' manually to find out the cause of the error.
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 runner[18974]: postflight[18990]:
> Jan  9 07:25:24 gridmac7 Installer[18967]: Install failed: The  
> following install step failed: run postflight script for  
> MacPorts-1.6.0. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.

	"selfupdate" failed for some reason, probably rsync blocking, and the  
script bailed out with an error code. I've corrected this behavior too.

	Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated!



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