installing mutt port fails

Duke Normandin dukeofperl at
Sun Jan 27 21:15:49 PST 2008

On 27-Jan-2008, at 9:19 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> Hi!


> MacPorts isn't really related to FreeBSD ports, FYI.

Yep! I'm aware of that. How they both work is similar, however. ;)

> The failing package seems to be gettext, not mutt.

Again... I realize that. That's why my quote stopped at the "gettext"  
choke point.

> A ticket was filed for this issue two months ago:
> But I thought I had already fixed this. (I resolved the ticket 6  
> weeks ago.) Is your ports tree up to date? Try:
> sudo port selfupdate
> sudo port clean --work gettext
> sudo port install gettext
> Does it work now?

Like a charm!! Thanks. Then I did:

sudo port install mutt

Seems to work OK. All I need to do now is to stick a .muttrc file in  
$HOME. Thanks again.
dukeofperl at
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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