Port request: wdg-validate

Michael Dexter dexter at ambidexter.com
Wed Sep 24 05:49:59 PDT 2008

Hello all,

I have a fix for building the WDG Offline HTMLHelp.com Validator on 10.4 
and 10.5. Might anyone be interested in building a port?

The project home page with dependencies is: 

The port is named wdg-validate in NetBSD and I believe "validate" in 


It requires three components:

The validate PERL script. Must be executable and in /usr/local/bin/

The wdg-sgml-lib library, as /usr/local/share/wdg/

The lq-nsgmls parser in /usr/local/bin/ which requires line 36 of the 
Makefile to be changed to:


... in order to build on 10.4 and 10.5.

I have asked the upstream maintainer to include this fix.



Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Aug 12, 2008, at 08:25, Michael Dexter wrote:
>> I have tried to build wdg-validate on Mac OS 10.4 and it fails.
>> (http://htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/offline/index.html.en) A port would
>> be greatly appreciated. Is anyone interested in porting this voluntarily
>> or if necessary as a bounty?
> Well, the MacPorts project isn't about taking software that doesn't work 
> on Mac OS X and making it work on Mac OS X ("porting" it to Mac OS X). 
> Instead, it's about taking software which does work on Mac OS X and 
> making it easier to install. So if wdg-validate does not build on Mac OS 
> X, then you need to speak with the developers of wdg-validate to first 
> make it work on Mac OS X. Then a MacPorts port can be created for it.

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