where does macports store it's installed application database?

Panayotis Katsaloulis panayotis at panayotis.com
Thu Dec 10 02:45:21 PST 2009

On 10 Δεκ 2009, at 12:10 ΜΜ, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> For example in your beta1 jar, the list headers do not look or  
> behave like list headers do in the Finder.

Oh, yes, I forgot to comment this.

This behavior was intentional!
I had (more or less) to re-implement the header to look like this and  
not just how it looks in Finder.
The default is something which was Finder-like.
The reason for it is that I prefer the iTunes L&F with the standard  
Cocoa L&F :)

And, let me comment again the blog post: "Mac apps don't have to look  
like Mac apps"

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