Cannot upgrade perl5.8 - registry error

Scott Haneda talklists at
Thu Mar 12 00:02:06 PDT 2009

On Mar 11, 2009, at 8:39 PM, Bob Nielsen wrote:
> On Mar 11, 2009, at 5:53 PM, Scott Haneda wrote:
>> On Mar 11, 2009, at 1:51 PM, Bob Nielsen wrote:
>>> When I try to upgrade perl5.8 to version 5.8.9_2, I get the  
>>> following error:
>>> Error: Checking installed version failed: Registry error: perl5.8  
>>> @5.8.8_0+darwin_8 not registered as installed.
>>> perl -v says I have version 5.8.6.  Using port -f doesn't help.  A  
>>> lot of other actions seem to be affected by this.  How can I get  
>>> around this error?
>> Maybe your perl -v is telling you the Mac OS X version? Try /opt/ 
>> local/bin/perl -v instead.  You can also issue `port installed |  
>> grep perl` and see what version Mac Ports has installed.  I would  
>> not at all be surprised if you had 5.8.9_2 already, as I do, and  
>> made no real efforts to instal it.
>> If you still do need to get it working, you could remove it, and  
>> then install it again, maybe also first try to activate it, if it  
>> is not listed as active in the installed list.
>> Show the output to the command above, and probably someone can  
>> point you what to do next.
> mac:~ bob$ /opt/local/bin/perl -v
> This is perl, v5.8.6 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
> (with 5 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
> and:
> mac:~ bob$ port installed |grep perl
> Error: port installed failed: Registry error: perl5.8  
> @5.8.8_0+darwin_8 not registered as installed.
> When I try to remove perl altogether I get the same error message.   
> I need to get past the registry error before I can anything.

I am making a huge guess in an effort to get you past this, maybe look  
in /opt/local/var/macports/receipts for perl, and move that aside.

Another suggestion would be
sudo port -u upgrade perl5
You may want to try this first, before messing with the receipts, as I  
am not sure that is the right path to go down.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

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